Anthropocene Planetary Health: What Connections to Health? What social determinants? What intersectoral and interdisciplinary actions?
Instructors: Marco Akerman (Cordinator); Carlos Botazzo, Specialists: Dais Goncalves Rocha; Elis Mina Seraya Borde; Samuel Jorge Moysés Monitor: Maria Cristina Trousdell Franceschini
Date: 03/02/2020 a 07/02/2020 – 2.ª a 6.ª feira das 08h00 às 18h00
Total workload: 40h00
Price: 400,00
Requirements: Graduates professionals
1. Where does the term “planetary health” come from and what is its definition?
2. Create meeting possibilities amid so many mismatches
3. Discuss what is happening in the world
4. Know and discuss the centenary trajectory of SDH
5. Explore possibilities for adopting the SDH approach in public policy formulation
6. Problematize signs of health promotion (PS) in the city of SP
7. Raise critical issues in formulating an intersectoral praxis in the field of public policy
8. Know urban agendas that are on the agenda
9. Reflect on likely scope of National Health Promotion Policy
10. Share how we are teaching and learning PS