CADDE Genomic Epidemiology Workshop

The CADDE Genomic Epidemiology Workshop (2 to 6 December 2019) is a training hands-on course based on integrating Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencing with genetic data analysis for outbreak investigation. Researchers wanting training in library preparation, running the MinION sequencer, and analysing sequencing data using bioinformatic and phylogenetic tools are welcome to attend. The Oxford Nanopore[…]

Course on Planetary Health at the School of Public Health (USP)

Anthropocene Planetary Health: What Connections to Health? What social determinants? What intersectoral and interdisciplinary actions? Instructors: Marco Akerman (Cordinator); Carlos Botazzo, Specialists: Dais Goncalves Rocha; Elis Mina Seraya Borde; Samuel Jorge Moysés Monitor: Maria Cristina Trousdell Franceschini Date: 03/02/2020 a 07/02/2020 – 2.ª a 6.ª feira das 08h00 às 18h00 Total workload: 40h00 Price: 400,00[…]